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CoCalc - Institutional Licenses

This page gives you an overview about recurring yearly license subscriptions for an organization or institution. The price of a CoCalc license is proportional to the number of projects and the amount of resources allocated for each project. The options presented on this page are possible examples – they are customizable in the online store.
Number of projects: The number of individuals in your organization does not equal the number of projects. You can allocate as many projects as you need. Instead, the license is only valid up to an upper limit of simultaneously running projects, which is closely related to the number of people who are actively using CoCalc at the very same time. Usually, the number of actively running projects is well below the number of people in your organization. In the overview below, that ratio is denoted as "overcommitment". (This is a soft limit -- if you exceed it, your projects are still accessible, but will run without any upgrades.)
Amount of upgrades: minimal upgrades might be okay for day-to-day calculations and editing documents, but you will run into limitations if your requirements are higher. Please contact us if you have questions or need a trial license to test out different options.
Multiple license keys: You can also acquire several license keys for your institution. This means you can partition all possible users into smaller groups, each with their own license key. This is useful if you want to have distinct license keys for different departments, or if you want to have a license key for students and another one for faculty members. Additionally, you can also acquire an additional license for a shorter period of time, to cover periods of increased activity – e.g. final exams – to avoid exhausting the limit of simultaneously running projects.
After purchase: Once you purchase a license key, you become a "license manager". This means you can pass that license key on to others, track their usage, and add other people as license managers.


Here are three typical configurations. All parameters can be adjusted to fit your needs. Listed upgrades are for each project. Exact prices may vary. Processing purchase orders with subsequent invoices need a minimum of $100.
Commercial Research Group
20 Individuals
2 x Overcommitment
10 simultaneously running Projects
1 year Duration
2h Idle timeout
5 G Shared RAM
1 core Shared CPU
10 G Disk space
15% Yearly discount

($281.52 / Individual / year)
200 students
200 Students
5 x Overcommitment
40 simultaneously running Projects
1 year Duration
2h Idle timeout
2 G Shared RAM
1 core Shared CPU
3 G Disk space
15% Yearly discount
40% Academic discount

($113.26 / Student / year)
2000 students
2000 Students
10 x Overcommitment
200 simultaneously running Projects
1 year Duration
30min Idle timeout
1 G Shared RAM
1 core Shared CPU
3 G Disk space
15% Yearly discount
40% Academic discount

($56.06 / Student / year)
Listed prices are in US dollars. When charging in local currency, the prices are converted into local currency using the conversion rates published by leading financial institutions.

Contact us

To learn more about institutional subscription options, please contact us with a description of your specific requirements.